Oh! Those 2 girls of mine! They are so precious AND so different from each other.
Ava: My independent, silly, laid back, fearless, social, go getter, smiley, expressive, spunky, spit-fire, stubborn, wiggle worm, strong-willed, hard-headed, funny, goofy, picky eater, good sleeper, wild, and huggy girl.
Sally Jean: My sweet, cuddly, short-tempered, high maintenance, fussy, either happy or mad and no in between, alert, smiley, short, compact, lover of bottles, expressive, loving, dainty peanut.
It is funny how they are already so different. But they are both so loved. I can't imagine mothering any other two children than the ones God blessed me with.
The laughs are endless, the smiles are everywhere, and good times are all around AND so are the temper tantrums, screaming, and crying over silly things.
But I WOULDN'T trade it for the world.
My life has certainly changed since having children. My time is no longer my own., but there aren't any other individuals I would rather spend all my time with. We have NO money but we have all we need. We don't eat out hardly ever and when we do we are on pins and needles waiting on the ticking time bombs to explode, so we enjoy our family dinners at home. Sleep? What is that? But if I am losing my sleep because of them, then it is worth it. I don't have my own identity anymore, but its because I have the cutest little sidekicks ever and I would never change that.
Sure we are limited to what we can do and where we can go. Honestly, I would rather spend all my time with them if I could. I am blessed beyond measure.
Thank you God for these little treasures. Please put Your fingerprints on them and write Your name all over their hearts!
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