Ava is 1 1/2 years old!!!!
Ava is growing at lickety split speed! I take a breath and she grows some more. I love her so much! She just captivates every one's heart. She sure is little miss independent! And stubborn...boy is she stubborn! Sometimes her curiosity gets the best of her and before you know it, it will lead to either tears from getting hurt or doing something she was told not to do and tears while sitting in time out.
She is on a hitting spree, especially with me! She hits me for no reason at all and sometimes because she is ticked off about something. Sometimes I think if I just ignore the hitting instead of reacting it might calm down. I am hoping so. She ends up in time out for it and that doesn't seem to be working, so I am trying not to react to see what happens.
She is picking up on so many things. She tries to communicate with us, but she is still hard to understand. She likes to say these words: moomee (movie and sometimes confused with music), Ilie (Eli from a book and one of her friends), sissy, Elsa (from Frozen), Olaf (from Frozen), see, sleep, ehhh (when she wants something...soooo annoying), baba (bottle), cheese, bu (bus), schoo (school), wawa (water), flowah (flower), me, Aya (Ava), mulk (milk), strawberry (strawberry), poon (spoon), fok (fork), thlide (slide), play, outside, cak (cake).
She is knocking on doors, loves to dance to Happy, touches her toes, rings around the rosey and falls down, knows the difference between the trash and hamper, twirls, stomps and marches, walks around the block, waters the flowers, plays with her water table, scribbles with sidewalk chalk (but mostly just carries the tub of chalk around), sings, plays peek a boo every chance she gets, counts 1-2-3 (one, two, thee!)
She knows where her belly, eyes, ears, nose, toes, teeth, hair, feet, and hands are. Whenever I ask her if she has a poopy, she touches her diaper. She runs when she sees me pull out a diaper to change her. She hates getting the boogers out of her nose. She will sometimes get the suction bulb and put it in her nose and blow...haha.
She loves Sally. She helps feed her and burp her. She likes to put the pacy in her mouth and wipe her face. She has a full days worth of hugs for Sally every day.
This month she has gotten to play with her new water table, go to her cousins band concert, play at the park, go shopping, eat at Sweet Frog's, get a sore throat and upset tummy, and a trip to the zoo!
Ava is sick |
At the doctor |
Ava still does not know a stranger. I LOVE this quality about her. She will hug everyone and it is so sweet. Whenever we are out somewhere, she looks at strangers and waves and says Hi! I love this about her, but I know there is going to come a day when she is a little older that we are going to have to have the stranger danger talk.
Ava basically still takes 2 naps for me. Every once in a while, we skip the morning and we usually pay for it later. Her afternoon nap is non negotiable! She is also sleeping through the night. I hear other moms talking about how their kids were great sleepers until 18 months and then everything changed! Please NO!!!!
Ava has about 18 ounces of whole milk on most days. For breakfast, she enjoys her yotoddler, multigrain cheerios, oatmeal, strawberries, bananas, and pancakes. At lunch she will eat PB&J sandwiches, cheese quesadillas, chicken salad, meatballs, veggie/fruit pouches, applesauce, crackers, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and mangos. At dinner, she will eat any meat we have and usually any fruit. She has not been a fan of veggies lately. I offer them to her every meal, but she will not partake of them, so I end of giving her a pouch so she has something. If only I could make the green beans like Texas Roadhouse does, then we would be good to go. She hasn't been eating the peaches I put on her plate either. I think she thinks they are something else and if she would just taste one she would be a happy camper, but she won't try and I don't force her. She will eat the peaches in my peach cobbler without any fussing, so I know it's just a matter of not realizing what they are. She is getting better at using the spoon and fork, but we are still a work in progress.
Ava loves to play outside. She loves to go on walks, help hold Winston's leash, and stop by the playground and slide. She enjoys her water table and just getting wet. It's a scream fest when we bring her in. Ava enjoys her magnetic letters. She doesn't really understand what they are but she likes to play with them. She went through a spell where she was obsessed with taking the same letters down. She would always take the l's in Sally, the j in Jesus, the I and t in Winston, and the I and u in Pumpkin. It freaked me out for a while. She loves her picnic basket and tea set, and as always, she loves books! She is a little bookworm. Some of her favorite books to have read to her are: A Visitor for Bear, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Stand Tall Molly Lou Melon, The Nose Book, Miss Nelson is Missing, You are Special and recently, The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs.
Here are some of the normal magnetic letters missing... |