For the last 8 weeks, we have been sleeping on my memory foam mattress pad on the floor and Sally has been sleeping next to us on the floor in her boppy seat. For the most part, she has been waking up every 3-4 hours like clockwork. It has been extremely exhausting and we quickly realized that Miss Ava completely spoiled us. She was sleeping through the night at 5 weeks. Sally is on week 8 and still not sleeping through the night.
I was reading another blog that I follow and her story with her 9 month old. He has never slept several hours in a row in his ENTIRE 9 months. Oh my! I cannot even imagine. That sounds horrible! I decided that I did not want that to be us. This poor, exhausted mama decided to take this request, this need to God. I said, "God, I know that you have been able to do much bigger things than this request, so surely You can handle this. But, Lord, I need You to help this little miss sleep. You know her, inside and out. You created her. Surely You know how You can get her to sleep. I am trusting in You tonight to do this."
I bet you already know what happened...She slept in her crib and got up once for a 2:30 am feeding. It was wonderful to be able to lay her down in her crib and see her actually sleep. After her 2:30 am feeding, she cuddled with me for a while in her chair and fell asleep. But as soon as I put her in the crib, she woke up. However, God, working in all His goodness again, helped her soothe herself to sleep.
God is a good God. He cares about our concerns and needs. He wants us to come to Him for even the littlest of things. I love how He reminds me of His goodness ALL THE TIME. I am one lucky and blessed daughter of the King.

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