Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sally Jean Alford

Sally Jean Alford
February 18, 2014
1:00 pm
8.5 lbs.
20 1/2 in.
She is here and she is incredible. I am in love all over again. It's funny, but I wondered all during this pregnancy if I would be able to love another child like I love Ava. As soon as my eyes met Sally's eyes, as she was being lifted up over the sterile curtain, I fell in love all over again. While my heart was growing in love for this new little blessing in my life, I couldn't help but think of my sweet girl at home who I love so much, too.

Sally came into this world mad and not too happy.  She cried during the cutting of the cord, the weighing, the apgar assessment, and every other thing they were doing in the OR.  When they finally brought her over to me, they put us cheek to cheek and she calmed down.  It was an amazingly sweet moment that I will never forget. 

My parents, my sister and her kids and Ava came to see her first.  Ava was not too impressed with her.  More than anything, she wanted whoever had her to let her down so she could get into things.  My brother and his family came later on in the evening.

The first night, Curtis stayed with us.  It was a long night of maybe 15 minutes apiece of sleep and not all at once.  Sally was just very uncomfortable and kept gagging on spit up.  It scared me.  She also had several dirty diapers.  I was beyond exhausted and was not much help to Curtis because of the medicine they had put me on. 

The next day Curtis stuck with me because I was in pain and needed his help with Sally.  I needed to be able to sleep well during the day because Curtis was going to go home that evening and take care of Ava.  My parents brought her up to me later that evening so I could see her because I missed her so much.  Then Curtis, Ava, and my parents left Sally and I to ourselves.  It was a quiet evening with Sally.  I really enjoyed that time with her.  I held her as much as I wanted and just got to bond with her.  I did send her to the nursery for a few hours in between feedings so I could get some sleep.  That was nice, too, but I was itching to get my hands on my sweet Sally. 

So far Sally has been doing well.  She loves her Swaddle Me wrap.  She loves to be cuddled and held. She seems to have her days and nights confused and sleeps mostly during the day and whines at night to be held.  I can't help but succomb to the pressure!  She is eating every 2-3 hours anywhere between 1 1/2 -2 ounces.  We still haven't been able to figure out her eye color.  She hasn't opened her eyes long enough or big enough to see.  We are just so in love with this blessing from above.  She is perfect in every way.  I am truly grateful for her entering into our family. 

Here are some pictures of her:

Friday, February 21, 2014

C-section Day

The morning of Sally's arrival we were super busy packing the car with what we needed for the hospital stay, getting things together for Ava's stay with her grandma and papa, and attempting to keep my nerves and anxiety from getting to me.  My sister came to watch Ava for the day so my mom and dad could be at the hospital during my surgery.  We showed Aunt Kelly the ropes and then said our goodbyes to Ava.  Of course, Ava was not at all concerned about what was going on and told us "bye bye" as we walked out the garage door.  My dog, Winston, on the other hand, seemed depressed and worried. 

We got to the hospital right before 10:30 and we had to wait in the waiting room for them to call us back.  We were taken back close to 11:00 am.  They had lots of questions to ask me and then they had to prep me for surgery, which included an IV.  They tried to put a big IV in me and it wouldn't go into my small veins, so they call the emergency departments IV team to stick me.  The woman who did that was super calming and good at what she does and thought it was best to put a size smaller needle in for my IV. Finally, Dr. Wicker came in to see me and let me know they were almost ready in the OR and that everything was going to be ok.  The nurse anethesist came in and answered my questions about the spinal.  He was excellent at keeping me calm by having a conversation with me while they were putting the spinal in me. 

We walked down to the OR.  This is always the hardest part because I have to say goodbye to Curtis for about 10-15 minutes.  But those 10-15 minutes seem like an eternity.  They got Curtis prepped to come in and while they were doing that, I was in the OR getting my spinal.  Instantly I started feeling numb...and a little sick.  Then, the c-section began and Curtis came in. 

All of a sudden, I heard the most amazing sound...Sally's beautiful cry.  I cried! Dr. Wicker raised her over the curtain and I saw her.  Immediately, I saw Ava's face.  They looked so much alike!  Curtis got to go over and cut the cord off of Sally and see her get weighed.  She cried the whole time.  Very different from her sister.  I remember Ava cried for a few seconds and then she was pretty quiet. 

Finally, they brought Sally over to me.  I kissed her soft little cheeks and I just wanted to get my hands on her, but I couldn't yet.  They were putting me all back together again. 

Sally was born on February 18, 2014 at 1:00 pm via  c-section. She weighed 8.5 lbs and is 20 1/2 inches long.  We are so blessed and excited to have her in our lives. 

Monday, February 10, 2014

38 Weeks

38 Weeks

How far along? 38 weeks and  0 days.

How far to go? 14 days, but because I am having a c-section, it is really only 8 days left

Due Date: February 24, 2014 BUT C-SECTION IS SCHEDULED FOR FEBRUARY 18TH! So really I have 1 weeks and 5 days left. Its going to be a long 1 week and 1 day!

Baby? Typically, a baby at this point would be about the size of a watermelon.  I think Sally is probably the size of a big watermelon.  Her brain is still growing at a very fast rate.  She doesn't have pinkish skin anymore.  It is more white.   

Maternity Clothes: I wear maternity clothes always...there is no way on God's green earth I could wear normal clothes. But even those are getting tight and uncomfortable. I am going to have to stick it out...No need to buy more when I am only 12 days away from getting this baby out.   

Stretch Marks: I am getting them pretty bad on my stomach and behind....:(

Pregnancy Symptoms: I have to use the restroom often especially after Braxton Hicks contractions. . I also have been having major middle back pain, heartburn/indigestion, acid reflux, I am emotional, slight hip pain, breathlessness big time,  nauseous constant headaches, and dizziness and light headed, sore lower abdomen,Pelvic pressure, fatigue and some other unmentionable pregnancy symptoms. *Note the large font size...those are big pregnancy symptoms. I am feeling very done with this by this point and just want to feel normal again and not constantly icky and in a funk.

Sleeping:  Last night (and the past couple nights) I end up in tears because I CANNOT get comfortable. My middle back pain has been atrocious!  It is a miserable feeling.   

Best feeling this week:  It is getting really hard to pinpoint a good feeling this week...I guess it would be having Dr. Wicker everything is ok. 

Movement: She rolls a lot more.  She had the hiccups for a really long time today.

Cravings/Aversions: manderin oranges, pimento cheese and crackers, cheerios

Belly Button: In, but almost, out

What I miss:  Being able to move around without the big watermelon in the way 
What am I looking forward to: Holding Sally in my arms! 
I went 40 weeks with Ava and don't remember being this miserable.  I was whiny, but it was mostly because I was so anxious to meet that little girl!  While I am anxious for that this time around, as well, I am so utterly uncomfortable.  I just haven't felt "right."  I have been experiencing nausea, a constant headache, dizziness, light headedness.  It was worrisome to me.  I decided to make an appointment earlier in the week.  I met with Dr.  Wicker.  He is the doctor that will deliver Sally via
c-section.  Dr. Wicker believes I have Esophagitis. He is having me take Pepcid AC 2 times per day and tums through out the day.  I had also not felt Sally move hardly at all this morning.  They hooked me up to a monitor and as soon as she put it on that little booger started hiccuping and moving all over the place.  Her heartrate was good...everything looked good for her.  My blood pressure and urine sample were fine.  I had some other questions like:
Can I be on a medicine to ease my anxiety about the spinal?  No, it would relax baby too much.
Will they put the catheter in when I am numb? yes (thank goodness!)
Can I have another c-section?  He said the worry comes in really after the third one
He reexplained the risks to me of a c-section but said they are slim.
I can have a couple glasses of water around 3 am before the c-section.
Dr. Wicker is a character.  I asked him if I was measuring big.  He said he didn't care, that there was a hole there already that he could get a big baby out of. 
I asked him if he thought it was about 8 lbs yet? Yes
Bigger? Yes, probably. 
Holy cow! 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

37 Weeks

37 Weeks

How far along? 37 weeks and  3 days.

How far to go?  18 days, but because I am having a c-section, it is really only 12 days left

Due Date: February 24, 2014 BUT C-SECTION IS SCHEDULED FOR FEBRUARY 18TH! So really I have 1 weeks and 5 days left. Its going to be a long 1 week and 5 days!

Baby? Sally is measuring in at 39 1/2 weeks.  So, needless to say,  she is going to be a big baby according to the last 2 doctors I have seen.  They are also glad that we are going to be doing a c-section. Today her heartrate was 138.  That is the lowest that I know of.  But, the doctor said that was fine.  According the the What to Expect app, she should be shedding her skin, and producing surfunctant which helps the air sacs in the lungs to not stick together once she begins to breathe.  She is also continuing to add fat...Oh yay!  I don't think we need anymore of that. But, God knows what he is doing, right?!      She is fine tuning her brain and nervous system.     

Maternity Clothes:  I wear maternity clothes always...there is no way on God's green earth I could wear normal clothes.  But even those are getting tight and uncomfortable.  I am going to have to stick it out...No need to buy more when I am only 12 days away from getting this baby out.   

Stretch Marks: I am getting them pretty bad on my stomach....:(

Pregnancy Symptoms: I have to use the restroom often especially after Braxton Hicks contractions. . I also have been having major middle back pain, heartburn/indigestion minimally,  I am emotional,  slight hip pain, breathlessness big time, slightly nauseous mostly when I lay down, several headaches, sore lower abdomen,Pelvic pressure, fatigue and some other unmentionable pregnancy symptoms. *Note the large font size...those are big pregnancy symptoms. I am feeling very done with this by this point and just want to feel normal again and not constantly icky and in a funk.

Sleeping:  What's that ?!?!  No, really I sleep ok...Some nights are better than others.  I slept through the night until 4:15 am this morning.  Other nights aren't as good.  I have a hard time getting comfortable, even with my boppy.  Sometimes I have headaches that wake me up.  That isn't fun either.           

Best feeling this week:  tickling and loving and cuddling my first born precious Ava.  Trying to focus on the fact that these are our last 12 days we have together just the 2 of us, but still hard to not focus on getting this baby out!

Movement: She is moving less...sometimes I realize I haven't felt her in a while.  It is harder to feel her move now and it is especially harder when you have to chase my 14 month old.  I actually have to sit still and feel her.   

Cravings/Aversions:  manderin oranges, mangos, edamame, brownies 

Belly Button: In, but almost, out 

What I miss: NO middle back pain 

What am I looking forward to: I am looking forward to no big belly!  Meeting this girl, being home with her and having my little family all together under one roof. 

I remember this week from the last pregnancy...the only difference is I am going a week early and Ava was a week late.  I feel like if I wasn't having a c-section, I would undergo the same turmoil I did with Ava.  Going a week late...  Anyway, my doctor appointment went well today.  Lindsay said my blood pressure, weight gain (171 lbs.), and urine samples looked good.  She said to definitely let her know if my headaches and nausea get worse....that since the other things look good and there is no swelling, that she wasn't concerned at this point.  She took Sally's heartbeat, which was hard to hear this time around.  She came in a 138 beats per minute.  I don't recall her having a heart rate that low so far, but there have been a few times the doctors didn't tell me the actual heart rate.  I had noticed on my lab results from previous visits that my urine sample had a trace amount of protein in it.  I  asked Lindsay and she said that is fine and there was nothing to be worried about.  There was one night I had braxton hicks but they were coupled with menstrual like cramps and lower back pain.  I started wondering and so I decided to get up and do something else.  The only thing that sounded good was to take a bath.  So, I took a bath and the contraction and cramps continued.  I was still wondering...could I be in labor?  I went to bed after that and was still having them.  I eventually fell asleep and nothing ever came from it.   So, FALSE alarm!  geesh!