Ava Elizabeth
7 months
July 5, 2013
Ava is 7 months old today. She is discovering more and more every day. She is such a pleasant baby. She can entertain herself for quite a long time. She hardly cries unless she is hungry or tired or being laid down instead of being held. She is still super cuddly. Mommy has spoiled her with holding her during nap times and she doesn't want to go to her crib for naps without a fight. So, we are trying to get back into the naps in our crib routine. I just love holding her when she is sleepy and I realize that she won't always want to be held and cuddled. She is somewhere over 17 and a half pounds. She wears size 3 diapers and is in 6-9 month clothing.
Ava is growing her first tooth. I keep trying to snap a picture of it but I haven't had any success. She has handled teething like a pro (so far...). She puts her thumb in her mouth and plays with this new thing in her mouth. She has also discovered that her mouth and roof of her mouth can make a new noise and so she smacks all the time. It is loud and she does it at inappropriate times which can be quite embarrassing. She isn't crawling yet, but she rolls around everywhere. She rocks on her hands and knees but hasn't put them together on how to get around. Her favorite places to roll-the wires of the tv and shoes.
She loves to play. Whether she's bouncing like a crazy woman in her bouncy chair or playing with her stacking rings, stacking cups, elephant, baby doll, and caterpillar she keeps herself very busy. Her favorite stuffed animal would be her elephant that we got from a student of mine (Thanks Annabelle!) and she LOVES her rings. She hasn't figured out how to stack them on, but she can take them off like a pro and chew on them.
She likes to suck her thumb and hold her lovie blankie also from an old student (Thanks again Annabelle) When I am holding her as she falls asleep she likes to twirl my hair. So sweet.
She eats stage 2 foods and gerber puffs. We also give her yobaby yogurt. She has oatmeal in the morning and I don't think she is a huge fan but I give it to her anyway.
She sits in a high chair and a shopping cart. That has made shopping so much easier.
Some of my favorite things about this month:
~how happy she is in the morning when I get her. She kicks her legs and giggles.
~listening to her talk to herself in the crib
~her sweet voice
~she giggles and chuckles when she gets picked up by someone because she loves to be held
~how happy she gets in her bouncy seat
~her face when she hears songs like Jesus loves me.
~her temper when you take something she wants but can't have away
~her smiles during prayers
~how she makes changing her diaper near impossible
Here are some other cute pics:
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