Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Evie 16 months
Evelyn is 16 months old tomorrow and she is so much fun! She is quite the little chatterbox and I don't have a clue what she is saying, but she is serious when she talks and she thinks she is telling me something. It is pretty cute. It is even cuter when she talks to you with her sideways glance. She is quite the little explorer, too. She loves to look at everything and touch everything and move everything and break everything...
She is learning to take her walking to a faster pace called a stumbling-around-really-fast-like-a-drunk-person until I get where I am wanting to go. It is pretty cute and entertaining. She still will sit in her bouncy seat for a little while if I need to get something done or just need a break from chasing her. She loves her new found freedom with all day access to the big girl playroom. She was barricaded from that but we moved all little swallowable toys up to the loft and so she can play in the playroom unrestricted. Pretty exciting for her and her big sisters love it, too. They are enjoying Evie becoming more of a part of their little group. They look forward to her waking up every morning and are always asking for her to get out of her high chair before she has even finished eating because they want to play with her.
She loves the playroom, but she isn't always fond of playing with her sisters. They don't leave her alone much of the time. Today, they had her nailed to the floor and were hugging her very tightly and not letting her go. She was getting extremely angry (I don't blame her). She much prefers the times when they are not around where she can play uninhibited by their constant control.
She is a pretty good eater. She isn't a fan of meat or cheese. But she loves fruit and will tolerate some vegetables. She still drinks like three cups of milk per day and will drink some watered down juice. Her favorite food seems to be grapes and french toast. She also likes peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and goldfish.
She is still taking 2 naps per day for me (usually). If she misses her first nap it usually isn't a big deal for her or me. She takes nap every day at 2. Often she will sleep 2-3 hours for me. She goes back to sleep for bed around 8:30 and wakes up at 8 in the morning usually.
She loves to play, go outside, take walks in the stroller or wagon, watch Trolls, give hugs and kisses, randomly check in on us, ride in the car, go to church, go to Mimi and PopPops, and then play some more. She loves to be held and cuddled and she likes to make you laugh.
She doesn't like cold water (hoping she will get use to the pool), being told no, toys being taken away, getting her diaper changed, getting her hair washed, getting dressed.
She is such a fun little girl, full of herself, the most curious of my three girls, and such a ham. She is a joyful and active little thing. I just love her to pieces and am so grateful for her being in my life. She brings such joy to so many people and I pray that will always be a part of who she is. I pray she will radiate joyfulness to others. She is a beacon of light to our little family and to others. What a great and awesome gift she is. I can't wait to see how her life reflects the joy of the Lord and how she will inspire others with her joyfulness.
Oh and she has really crooked teeth! 𝩧𝩤𝩥𝩢𝩣𝩡
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Evie is 15 months
Evie is such a fun kid! She is mostly happy. She finds joy in the small things. She loves to giggle, laugh and play. I love her exuberant personality. She is just super easy to be around. She loves life and it shows.
Below, this is a rare moment for her. She doesn't often get so bent out of shape, here she was distraught over not being able to fit on my lap since there were two other sweet girls sitting there.
Here she was wanting to be held and she did get upset when I couldn't hold her in that moment. Like I said earlier, she doesn't get mad over much, but when she does, it usually involves not being held. And, I will add, when she does get mad-WATCH OUT! She has a temper and she will aim anything in her hand at you.
This girls loves to eat. She eats pretty much anything you give her. Of course, her favorites are anything involving carbs. Overall, she eats pretty much anything. She still drinks milk 3 times per day, but there are times when she says, "noooo" because she does NOT want that.
She loves her horsey lovey. She has since she was teeny tiny. One day I found her in the playroom pushing her horsey in the stroller. It was pretty cute.
I also watched her stack these rings. Obviously, they are not stacked correctly, but I was impressed that she was able to do this and get them to stay put.
One night I walked in to check on her before I went to bed and this is what I saw.
I love sleeping babies and how peaceful and serene they look. I probably stood there staring at her for like 5 minutes.
Every time I put her down for bed, we play peek-a-boo with her blanket and she loves it. Even being put to bed and she is as happy as can be. 
This little girl has been a blessing. She is absolutely adored by everyone in this house. Her big sisters think she is the cutest thing and are so loving towards her.
Other info for this month:
-she wears mostly 18-24 month clothing
-she is a chatty kathy. She says more, bye bye, mommy, daddy, nin-nin (Winston), good, coo coo (thank you), yuh you (love you)
- she takes mostly one nap per day
-she goes to bed around 8:30 and sleeps until about 7:30
-her favorite thing is her horsey
-she loves to play with her big sisters.
We love you with all our hearts, sweet Evie. I know you are going to bring great joy to others. The joy of the Lord will be your strength. Never lose that radiant countenance.
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