Thursday, October 29, 2015

29 things

 I have been praying that God would enable me to see the joy and fulfillment in the things that I do every day. So, since it is Oct. 29, here are 29 things that I am grateful for:

1.  These 2.  They are my purpose right now.  They are the reason I get up every day and do what I do.
2. Bible Journaling. I can't take credit for this one, but I don't have a picture of any on my computer that I have done.  I am also thankful for a Facebook Bible journaling community that offers great ideas and encouragement.

3. When this child actually sleeps. Yes, she is asleep standing up against her chair. 
 4  Not losing my cool when my kids do things they know they are not supposed to do. Like here, Ava got into my makeup when she was suppose to be sleeping. See why I prefer her to take a nap, instead?
 5. Her very creative imagination.  This box is her pool float. 
 6. The few and far between times my house is clean. 

7. Sweet Frog's!!!!

 8.  That my family has everything we need and more. 
9. That many big cousins live nearby. 
 10.  We can make weekly visits to Mimi and Pop Pop's house.

11. The generosity of friends and family who have lovingly given to my girls.  
 12.  She better be grateful that she is so darn cute!
13. This little guy, even though he was much happier b.k. (before kids)
 14. Rare moments when Sally will sleep and cuddle with me.  Although, I think this picture was taken when I found out her blood sugar was low. 
 15. Playtime with Daddy.
16. Swings!
 17.  This little bean...Evelyn Olivia. Love her so much already!
 18. Silly faces!
19. Beach time as a family.
 21. Sally actually tried the sand out with her water shoes.
22.  Making memories.

 23.  God's creation.
 24. Bed head! 
 25. That these two get along....most of the time.
 26. That I get to be a mommy!
. 27.  That daddy will often be the main one doing bedtime.
 28.  For a husband who loves me NO. MATTER. WHAT.  and that my girls have a wonderful father to look up to. 
 29.  Picnics in the loft when it is wet and rainy outside. 

Baby Evelyn 25 weeks (pregnancy)

How far along? 25 weeks and 6 days.

How far to go? 100 days

Due Date: February 6, 2016, but I will have to have a csection so I am thinking this baby will be born at the end of January.

Baby? rutabaga, 13 1/2 inches long

Maternity Clothes: I live in maternity leggings. I DESPISE maternity jeans.  Why don't they stay up??? Why do my thighs have to be so much larger that they rub together? 

Stretch Marks: Not anything new...yet. Just much fatter.

Pregnancy Symptoms:  I get round ligament pain, middle back pain, frequent trips to the bathroom, and trouble sleeping, heartburn/indigestion/gas.

Sleeping:  the struggle is real!

Best feeling this week:  Finding joy in my day with my girls. 

Movement: She moves quite a bit.  I mostly feel her when I am laying down, especially on my side.   

Cravings/Aversions: Apples!!!! Yum! Blackberries!!!!  Yum! 

Belly Button: In

What I miss:  Feeling well rested
What am I looking forward to: Seeing if she resembles either of her sisters!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

What's up with Ava (Sept/Oct.)

Oh my Ava!  What a girl.  She is showing more and more signs of becoming a 3 year old.  The only thing that doesn't seem to be catching on is her going to the potty in the big potty.  She still prefers diapers.  We tried one weekend and it was not successful.  She went one time in the potty, to which we cheered and told her how proud we were of her and gave her the marshmallows she wanted as a reward. But the rest of the entire weekend, we were cleaning underwear that had been peed on, carpet and floors that had been peed on, and her sheets.  We, including Ava, didn't get an ounce of sleep, because we were waking up every hour to get her to the potty.  It didn't matter, she still managed to pee in her bed every time.  Then, come Monday, it was total defiance over the matter, and that is a battle I am not going to fight.  I do not want to make going to the bathroom an unpleasant experience. 

Ava loves school.  Every time she gets in the car, she has a big smile, says she had fun, and is quick to show me her sticker.  I am so thankful she enjoys it.  Although, I am really not surprised.  She loves being around people. 

Her vocabulary is really picking up.  Sometimes it is funny and other times I can't believe the attitude that comes out of her mouth.  Last night, she wanted Curtis to help her bounce on the big bouncy ball, but he was playing his guitar.  She kept telling him to put the guitar down and he was not paying her one bit of attention.  Finally, she had had enough and said, "Put that guitar down right NOW!"  with an added stomp of her foot.  My eyes about bulged out of my head.  Of course, we made her rethink the way she should ask for him to help her and she did.  She also is already creating her tools of manipulation.  When she wants something really bad, she folds her hands together and says," Petty pwease???"  I hate to admit, but it is hard to resist. 

I know she has to talk correctly at some point, but some of the things that she say that are not said correctly are so stinking cute.  I am going to miss it when it goes away.  She says "per me" instead of "for me", packpack (Backpack), panana (banana), Sawwy Jean (Sally Jean), banoons (balloons), borilla (gorilla), dirday (birthday), cob corn ( corn on the cob), mulky mulk (milk), mickey house (mouse), perlicious (delicious).

Ava got to go to the beach and she loved it.  She loved the sand, the pool, and the ocean water (but only up to her feet).  She also loved Broadway at the Beach.  I think one of her favorite things about the vacation was the balcony over looking the ocean and pool.  She would just out there as much as she could with her books and seashells and just play and watch everything.  One thing I was not prepared for was the attitude.  Ava definitely thrives on routine and schedule. I will be honest when I say that there were times her attitude bit the dust! 

She also went to the aquarium while we were there.  She loved it, too.  She did not want to be close to the stingrays, but she touched a jelly fish and went through the tunnel like 3 times.  She loved seeing the sea turtle. 

Ava visited the pumpkin patch and loved that as well.  She picked out a pumpkin for her and one for Sally since Sally was not cooperating (shocker!!).  She also played in the corn pit, the saddle swing, and other various cool things the pumpkin patch had.  She finished it off with a nice, cold strawberry slush made by the farms own organic strawberries. 

We have really been enjoying the stage of life Ava is in.  She really is a lot of fun, and pretty sweet, too! 

Sally Jean 20 months old

Girl, are you moody or what?  You are super clingy to mommy.  What will that look like once Evie gets here?  I shudder at the thought. 

You went to the beach and you weren't  the biggest fan.  You didn't want anything to do with the sand and would barely even tolerate it when you were in water shoes. You really wanted nothing to do with the water, even the pool water.  I thought you would enjoy that since you did during the summer at our pool, but guess not.  You slept really well on the trip and for that I am grateful! 

We visited the aquarium on your trip to the beach.  You liked that, but wanted to be held the entire time.  You did not like the lighting that looked like water in some parts of the aquarium and refused to walk on it.  Interesting...

You are often a mystery to me.  And I mean that in the most loving way possible.  I never know what to expect, but I find myself on pins and needles with you more than I do Ava.  You are super finicky.  But, at the same time, you know what you want and you won't let it down until you get it. 

You got to visit the Pumpkin Patch and you enjoyed some of it, while your sister was having a blast.  Such different temperaments. 

Your grandma Sharon came to meet you for the first time and I think she enjoyed you, when you were enjoyable! :)

You love to put boxes and baskets on your head.  You just think you are so funny! 

You are not a good eater.  I thought you would be the better eater of the two, but you had me fooled.  You basically will eat strawberry breakfast bars, milk with ovaltine, crackers (sometimes with Peanut Butter), baked oatmeal but only the kind with chocolate chips melted in, anything sweet, and green beans from Texas Roadhouse!

You often inform me when you need a diaper change by whining and saying your peepoo and pointing to it. 

I am pretty sure you told me to shush today when I was singing a song and you didn't want to hear it. 

You do not like shopping.  You are fine in a stroller until it rolls into a store and then you get all kinds of crabby and fidgety. 

Reading this back and I think, goodness, is there anything positive to say?  But, Sally, even though you are extremely independent, stubborn (just like your name sake), determined to the core, and highly spirited, I look at all those things as great day. 

We do love you so much!  You are such a great addition to this family and I wouldn't know what to do without you!