How far to go? forever...131 days to go
Due Date: February 6, 2016, but I will have to have a csection so I am thinking this baby will be born at the end of January.
Baby? size of a pomegranate. I had a doctor's appointment this morning. I also got my blood work results from the AFP Tetra test. They came back NEGATIVE!! PTL! I have been feeling so on edge about Baby Evie since I found out about this cyst. Dr. Stein told me that there was no increased risk of there being any downs, trisomy, or other chromosomal issues. That the rest of the scan looked great which is more reason to not worry. I feel so relieved! And so thankful for yet another prayer answered!
Maternity Clothes: I live in maternity leggings.
Stretch Marks: Not anything new...yet.
Pregnancy Symptoms: I feel much better these days. My natural cravings for sweets has returned. I do get the daily headaches and I have back pain and round ligament pain. I also have to go to the bathroom more often.
Sleeping: I do not sleep good at all, although I don't think it can be blamed completely on the pregnancy. For one, we need a new mattress and bed and I need my husband to not monopolize the bed.
Best feeling this week: Getting the good news about my bloodwork, being encouraged by all my prayer warrior friends, being reminded of the people that love me, hearing Evie's heartbeat, and feeling little kicks and pushes.
Movement: Light kicks, pushes, and squirms.
Cravings/Aversions: I like food. Do not like the smell of beer. The smell of reheated chicken is disgusting.
Belly Button: In
What I miss: Getting some great sleep!
What am I looking forward to: Meeting this baby ( isn't this a given?) and getting her room ready!!!